The method works for any order of symmetry, 3-fold or higher. The tilings generated have four different vertices, regardless of the symmetry order. Though each tiling is non-periodic, lacking translational symmetry, they contain isolated regions that exhibit translational symmetry.
The interior angles for the dart and rhombus for each of the symmetry orders can be easily calculated. For 5-fold symmetry, the rhombus angles are 72 and 108; the dart angles are 24 and 288.
Similar tilings using the same tile sets can be produced by starting with darts in the center. When a tiling is created with darts in the center from the tile set with rhombi in the center, then the order of symmetry is three times that of the rhombi-centric tilings. These tilings have three different vertices, regardless of the symmetry order.
These dart-centric tilings can be simplified from a dart-rhombus to a single triangle tiling by removing the rhombi and converting each dart to a triangle. Likewise, a dart-rhombus-dart can be converted to a rhombus.